Scheme of the park. |
Western part of the park near River Valley Road. |
Brick walkway. |
Bizarre trees. |
Lamp post. |
9-Pound Cannon. |
Inscription about the 9-Pound cannon. |
Wide brick pathway. |
Remains of the tree. |
Palm trees have been planted along the pathway. |
High and exotic palm trees. |
Picnic Terrace. |
Being under the shade of the palm trees. |
Metallic swing. |
Lewin Terrace. |
View of Peninsula Plaza which is located in City Hall. |
Small playground. |
Singapore Philatelic Museum. |
Hill Street near the park. |
Funan Digitalife Mall near the park. |
Excelsior Tower is not far from the park. |
Grand Park City Hall. |
Coleman Street. |
Saint Andrew's Cathedral is found on the way from Fort Canning Park to City Hall MRT Interchange. |