Huge artificial ants. |
Night road goes along Flower Dome. |
Singapore Flyer view from the Flower Dome. |
Statue of the ants. |
Flower Dome entrance. |
Flower Dome view right after the entrance. |
In the beginning you'll see a large quantity of the succulent plants. |
Through the glass roof you can see the Cloud Forest dome. |
White flower with pink tips is found between the leafless adeniums. |
Pseudobombax ellipticum commonly known as Shaving Brush Tree. |
Pseudobombax sp. |
Leafless Pseudobombax ellipticum. |
Ferocactus pottsii and other cacti. |
Euphorbia horrida and the stones in the shape of a fish. |
Echinocactus grusonii. |
First leaves start appearing on adenium. |
Daisy with bright cherry color striped flowers. |
Bombax ceiba. |
Rich variety of succulents. |
Agave guiengola. |
Ceiba chodatii “Palo borracho”. |
Label of Ceiba chodatii. |
Three ceibas. |
Succulents avenue. |
Ariocarpi. |
Different species of ariocarpus. |
Ariocarpi and gymnocalyciums are located behind the protective glass. |
Euphorbias with white ribs. |
Warrior heads, Springstone. |
Huge adeniums with the red flowers. |
Silver succulents grow like a carpet. |
Awesome red adenium. |
Silver-blue and green succulents have a shape of a grass. |
Carnegiea gigantea “Saguaro”. |
Succulent trees. |
Agave victoriae-reginae. |
Adansonia madagascariensis, Madagascar's baobab. |
Green succulent with yellow flowers. |
Cyphostemma juttae “Tree Grape”. |
Black succulents have a shape of echeveria. |
Cleistocactus winteri “Golden rat tail”. |
Baobab and cereuses. |
Cleistocactus winteri and agaves. |
Agave nickelsiae “Nickel's agave”. |
Eastern cowboys, Weathered wood, Timor Leste craftsmanship. |
Green succulent grass and small red flowers. |
Crassula ovata “Hobbit”. |
Silver succulent grass. |
Faucaria tigrina “Tiger Jaws”. |
Black succulents. |
Succulents are water-storing desert plants belonging to families such as Cacti and Euphorbias. |
Dasylirion longissimum “Mexican Grass Tree”. |
Succulent Garden is on the left. |
Adenium with pink flowers. |
Daisy flowers. |
The beginning of the Australian Garden. |
Entrance and exit doors. |
Adenanthos sericeus “Woolly Bush”, Southwest Australia. |
Anigozanthos flavidus. |
Baobabs and Bottle Trees. |
Xanthorrhoea glauca “Grass Tree”. |
Brachychiton rupestris “The Queensland Bottle Tree”. |
Huge Xanthorrhoea glauca. |
Beautiful girls near the Queensland Bottle Tree. |
Visitors make the photographs of the plants and flowers. |
Baobabs at the entrance. |
Queensland Bottle Tree. |
Exotic conifer tree. |
Araucarias have a shape of a fir-tree. |
Purple palm tree. |
Lush greenery of the Flower Dome. |
Trunk of Aloe barberae “Tree Aloe”. |
Aloe barberae “Tree Aloe”, South Africa. |
Jubaea chilensis “Chilean Wine Palm”. |
Delicate red flower. |
Trunk of Jubaea chilensis. |
Araucaria araucana “Monkey Puzzle Tree”. |
Araucaria araucana in the South American Garden. |
Flowers in the South American Garden. |
Brahea armata “Mexican Blue Palm”. |
Flower Field. |
One can see the entrance at the far end. |
Mediterranean Garden is full of the palm trees. |
Phoenix dactylifera “Date Palm”. |
Landscape design of the Flower Field. |
Visitors in the Flower Field. |
Innovative design attracts many visitors. |
Retired travelers from the Northern countries. |
Couple in love. |
Walking along the South African Garden. |
Protea cynaroides flower. |
Protea cynaroides “King Sugar Bush”. |
Ladies heads, Springstone. |
Tree with numerous fruits in the South African Garden. |
Bulbine namaensis. |
South American Garden. |
Magnolia grandiflora “Southern Magnolia”. |
Label of Magnolia grandiflora “Southern Magnolia”. |
On our way to the Olive Grove. |
Citrus tree with fruits. |
Citrus tree with round yellow fruits. |
Citrus tree in the Californian Garden. |
Low plants in the Californian Garden. |
Visitors on the bench under the trees in the Californian Garden. |
Olive Grove. |
Mediterranean Garden. |
Pathway between the Olive Grove and the Mediterranean Garden. |
Lush greenery of the Olive Grove. |
Coniferous trees. |
A thousand year old Olive tree. |
Ancient olive trees. |
You can find here some of the native Mediterranean plants such as the Stone Pine or Date Palm. |
Small artificial mills. |
High trees of the South American Garden. |
Tourists are under the Phoenix canariensis trees. |
Awesome ancient olive trees in the Olive Grove. |
Red-flowered geraniums. |
Plants which grow under the olive trees in the Olive Grove. |
Pink and violet petunias. |
Olea europaea “Olive” trees. |
Olea europaea “Olive”, Mediterranean. |
On the pathway to the Flower Field. |
Palm trees of the Mediterranean Garden. |
Red flower of hibiscus. |
White flower of hibiscus. |
Hibiscuses with red and yellow flowers. |
Pale green bush of daisies. |
White geraniums and daisies. |
Garden flowers. |
Joyful youth in the Flower Field. |
Tourists are in the middle of the Flower Field. |
Flower Field decorations, “Work in Progress”. |
Employee ties up the flower. |
Blue flower of clematis. |
Bell shaped flowers. |
Flowers beside the wall. |
Tea-rose has very tender pale pink color. |
White orchid flowers, phalaenopsis sp. |
Pink flowers of fuchsia. |
Black flowers of fuchsia. |
Fascinating fuchsia flowers. |
Blue fuchsia flowers. |
Wonderful blue-colored clematis flowers. |
Cyclamen pink flowers. |
Dianthus barbatus “Sweet William” flowers. |
Plant looks like a miniature maple. |
Awesome garden flowers. |
White yellow rose flower in the corner. |
Couple of the clematis flowers. |
White flowers with touches of cherry. |
Yellow daisies. |
Smoky white flowers of roses. |
Black lily flower with yellow tips. |
In the corner of the garden. |
Blue flowers of hyacinth. |
Pink geranium flowers with the white elements. |
Flowers of red fuchsia. |
Bush has a spiral shape. |
Geranium with variegated leaves. |
Cute little girl looks at me. |
Pink hyacinthus flowers. |
Light yellow tulips. |
Fabulous city. |
Sea of hyacinths. |
Red hibiscus in the pot. |
Tulips and lilies. |
Flower Field is the highlight of the Flower Dome. |
Artificial fabulous house in the Flower Field. |
Tulipa cv. “Purple Prince” and Tulipa cv. “Hemisphere”. |
Metallic gazebo with the flying insect on its top. |
Camellia japonica “Japanese camellia”. |
Camellia japonica and red begonia. |
High tree with the white flowers. |
Red roses. |
Crimson daisies with yellow center. |
Plants have a shape of a spiral. |
Impatiens. |
Different species of garden flowers. |
Pink impatiens and Viola tricolor. |
Little girls and the harvest. |
Wheat harvest on the table. |
Toilets beside the exit. |
Small area before the exit. |
Laughing buddhists and lion statues. |