Flower Dome - Singapore

Huge artificial ants
Huge artificial ants.
Night road goes along Flower Dome
Night road goes along Flower Dome.
Singapore Flyer view from the Flower Dome
Singapore Flyer view from the Flower Dome.
Statue of the ants
Statue of the ants.
Flower Dome entrance
Flower Dome entrance.
Flower Dome view right after the entrance
Flower Dome view right after the entrance.
In the beginning you'll see a large quantity of the succulent plants
In the beginning you'll see a large quantity of the succulent plants.
Through the glass roof you can see the Cloud Forest dome
Through the glass roof you can see the Cloud Forest dome.
White flower with pink tips is found between the leafless adeniums
White flower with pink tips is found between the leafless adeniums.
Pseudobombax ellipticum commonly known as Shaving Brush Tree
Pseudobombax ellipticum commonly known as Shaving Brush Tree.
Pseudobombax sp.
Pseudobombax sp.
Leafless Pseudobombax ellipticum
Leafless Pseudobombax ellipticum.
Ferocactus pottsii and other cacti
Ferocactus pottsii and other cacti.
Euphorbia horrida and the stones in the shape of a fish
Euphorbia horrida and the stones in the shape of a fish.
Echinocactus grusonii
Echinocactus grusonii.
First leaves start appearing on adenium
First leaves start appearing on adenium.
Daisy with bright cherry color striped flowers
Daisy with bright cherry color striped flowers.
Bombax ceiba
Bombax ceiba.
Rich variety of succulents
Rich variety of succulents.
Agave guiengola
Agave guiengola.
Ferocactus glaucescens and Fouquieria columnaris “Boojum tree”
Ferocactus glaucescens and Fouquieria columnaris “Boojum tree”.
Succulent's green tissues absorb light to produce food, a process known as photosynthesis
Succulent's green tissues absorb light to produce food, a process known as photosynthesis.
Pachypodiums and agaves
Pachypodiums and agaves.
Silver grass with yellow flowers
Silver grass with yellow flowers.
Ceiba chodatii “Palo borracho”
Ceiba chodatii “Palo borracho”.
Label of Ceiba chodatii
Label of Ceiba chodatii.
Three ceibas
Three ceibas.
Succulents avenue
Succulents avenue.
Different species of ariocarpus
Different species of ariocarpus.
Ariocarpi and gymnocalyciums are located behind the protective glass
Ariocarpi and gymnocalyciums are located behind the protective glass.
Euphorbias with white ribs
Euphorbias with white ribs.
Warrior heads, Springstone
Warrior heads, Springstone.
Huge adeniums with the red flowers
Huge adeniums with the red flowers.
Silver succulents grow like a carpet
Silver succulents grow like a carpet.
Awesome red adenium
Awesome red adenium.
Silver-blue and green succulents have a shape of a grass
Silver-blue and green succulents have a shape of a grass.
Carnegiea gigantea “Saguaro”
Carnegiea gigantea “Saguaro”.
Succulent trees
Succulent trees.
Agave victoriae-reginae
Agave victoriae-reginae.
Dorstenia gigas “Socotran Fig Tree”
Dorstenia gigas “Socotran Fig Tree”.
Enter a world of perpetual spring, where unique plants bloom in an ever changing display of flowers
Enter a world of perpetual spring, where unique plants bloom in an ever changing display of flowers.
Discover plants from the Mediterranean and semi-arid subtropical regions
Discover plants from the Mediterranean and semi-arid subtropical regions.
Now get ready to be amazed by nature
Now get ready to be amazed by nature.
The Cool-Dry Conservatory
The Cool-Dry Conservatory.
Step into the Flower Dome and you'll be standing in awe of nature
Step into the Flower Dome and you'll be standing in awe of nature.
Eagle statue
Eagle statue.
With 3,332 panels of 42 varying shapes and sizes of spectrally selective glass, the Flower Dome is like a giant puzzle!
With 3,332 panels of 42 varying shapes and sizes of spectrally selective glass, the Flower Dome is like a giant puzzle!
Spectacular and innovative in design, it is one of the icons of Bay South Garden
Spectacular and innovative in design, it is one of the icons of Bay South Garden.
View of the Singapore Flyer from the Flower Dome
View of the Singapore Flyer from the Flower Dome.
Label of Adansonia grandidieri, Madagascar's baobab
Label of Adansonia grandidieri, Madagascar's baobab.
Different species of agaves
Different species of agaves.
Adansonia madagascariensis, Madagascar's baobab
Adansonia madagascariensis, Madagascar's baobab.
Green succulent with yellow flowers
Green succulent with yellow flowers.
Cyphostemma juttae “Tree Grape”
Cyphostemma juttae “Tree Grape”.
Black succulents have a shape of echeveria
Black succulents have a shape of echeveria.
Cleistocactus winteri “Golden rat tail”
Cleistocactus winteri “Golden rat tail”.
Baobab and cereuses
Baobab and cereuses.
Cleistocactus winteri and agaves
Cleistocactus winteri and agaves.
Agave nickelsiae “Nickel's agave”
Agave nickelsiae “Nickel's agave”.
Eastern cowboys, Weathered wood, Timor Leste craftsmanship
Eastern cowboys, Weathered wood, Timor Leste craftsmanship.
Green succulent grass and small red flowers
Green succulent grass and small red flowers.
Crassula ovata “Hobbit”
Crassula ovata “Hobbit”.
Silver succulent grass
Silver succulent grass.
Faucaria tigrina “Tiger Jaws”
Faucaria tigrina “Tiger Jaws”.
Black succulents
Black succulents.
Succulents are water-storing desert plants belonging to families such as Cacti and Euphorbias
Succulents are water-storing desert plants belonging to families such as Cacti and Euphorbias.
Dasylirion longissimum “Mexican Grass Tree”
Dasylirion longissimum “Mexican Grass Tree”.
Succulent Garden is on the left
Succulent Garden is on the left.
Adenium with pink flowers
Adenium with pink flowers.
Daisy flowers
Daisy flowers.
The beginning of the Australian Garden
The beginning of the Australian Garden.
Entrance and exit doors
Entrance and exit doors.
Adenanthos sericeus “Woolly Bush”, Southwest Australia
Adenanthos sericeus “Woolly Bush”, Southwest Australia.
Anigozanthos flavidus
Anigozanthos flavidus.
Baobabs and Bottle Trees
Baobabs and Bottle Trees.
Xanthorrhoea glauca “Grass Tree”
Xanthorrhoea glauca “Grass Tree”.
Brachychiton rupestris “The Queensland Bottle Tree”
Brachychiton rupestris “The Queensland Bottle Tree”.
Huge Xanthorrhoea glauca
Huge Xanthorrhoea glauca.
Beautiful girls near the Queensland Bottle Tree
Beautiful girls near the Queensland Bottle Tree.
Visitors make the photographs of the plants and flowers
Visitors make the photographs of the plants and flowers.
Baobabs at the entrance
Baobabs at the entrance.
Queensland Bottle Tree
Queensland Bottle Tree.
Exotic conifer tree
Exotic conifer tree.
Araucarias have a shape of a fir-tree
Araucarias have a shape of a fir-tree.
Purple palm tree
Purple palm tree.
Lush greenery of the Flower Dome
Lush greenery of the Flower Dome.
Trunk of Aloe barberae “Tree Aloe”
Trunk of Aloe barberae “Tree Aloe”.
Aloe barberae “Tree Aloe”, South Africa
Aloe barberae “Tree Aloe”, South Africa.
Jubaea chilensis “Chilean Wine Palm”
Jubaea chilensis “Chilean Wine Palm”.
Delicate red flower
Delicate red flower.
Trunk of Jubaea chilensis
Trunk of Jubaea chilensis.
Araucaria araucana “Monkey Puzzle Tree”
Araucaria araucana “Monkey Puzzle Tree”.
Araucaria araucana in the South American Garden
Araucaria araucana in the South American Garden.
Flowers in the South American Garden
Flowers in the South American Garden.
Brahea armata “Mexican Blue Palm”
Brahea armata “Mexican Blue Palm”.
Arch with the orange flowers
Arch with the orange flowers.
Chilean Wine Palm is known as the “Incredible Hulk” due to its massive girth and height
Chilean Wine Palm is known as the “Incredible Hulk” due to its massive girth and height.
Dracaena draco “Dragon Tree”
Dracaena draco “Dragon Tree”.
Walking space between the Mediterranean Garden and the Flower Field
Walking space between the Mediterranean Garden and the Flower Field.
Flower Field
Flower Field.
One can see the entrance at the far end
One can see the entrance at the far end.
Mediterranean Garden is full of the palm trees
Mediterranean Garden is full of the palm trees.
Phoenix dactylifera “Date Palm”
Phoenix dactylifera “Date Palm”.
Landscape design of the Flower Field
Landscape design of the Flower Field.
Visitors in the Flower Field
Visitors in the Flower Field.
Innovative design attracts many visitors
Innovative design attracts many visitors.
Retired travelers from the Northern countries
Retired travelers from the Northern countries.
Couple in love
Couple in love.
Walking along the South African Garden
Walking along the South African Garden.
Protea cynaroides flower
Protea cynaroides flower.
Protea cynaroides “King Sugar Bush”
Protea cynaroides “King Sugar Bush”.
Ladies heads, Springstone
Ladies heads, Springstone.
Tree with numerous fruits in the South African Garden
Tree with numerous fruits in the South African Garden.
Bulbine namaensis
Bulbine namaensis.
South American Garden
South American Garden.
Magnolia grandiflora “Southern Magnolia”
Magnolia grandiflora “Southern Magnolia”.
Label of Magnolia grandiflora “Southern Magnolia”
Label of Magnolia grandiflora “Southern Magnolia”.
On our way to the Olive Grove
On our way to the Olive Grove.
Citrus tree with fruits
Citrus tree with fruits.
Citrus tree with round yellow fruits
Citrus tree with round yellow fruits.
Citrus tree in the Californian Garden
Citrus tree in the Californian Garden.
Low plants in the Californian Garden
Low plants in the Californian Garden.
Visitors on the bench under the trees in the Californian Garden
Visitors on the bench under the trees in the Californian Garden.
Olive Grove
Olive Grove.
Mediterranean Garden
Mediterranean Garden.
Pathway between the Olive Grove and the Mediterranean Garden
Pathway between the Olive Grove and the Mediterranean Garden.
Lush greenery of the Olive Grove
Lush greenery of the Olive Grove.
Coniferous trees
Coniferous trees.
A thousand year old Olive tree
A thousand year old Olive tree.
Ancient olive trees
Ancient olive trees.
You can find here some of the native Mediterranean plants such as the Stone Pine or Date Palm
You can find here some of the native Mediterranean plants such as the Stone Pine or Date Palm.
Phoenix canariensis “Canary Island Date Palm” is presented by several trees
Phoenix canariensis “Canary Island Date Palm” is presented by several trees.
Label of Phoenix canariensis “Canary Island Date Palm”
Label of Phoenix canariensis “Canary Island Date Palm”.
Girl photographs something under the ground
Girl photographs something under the ground.
Variety of colors in the Flower Field
Variety of colors in the Flower Field.
Small artificial mills
Small artificial mills.
High trees of the South American Garden
High trees of the South American Garden.
Tourists are under the Phoenix canariensis trees
Tourists are under the Phoenix canariensis trees.
Awesome ancient olive trees in the Olive Grove
Awesome ancient olive trees in the Olive Grove.
Red-flowered geraniums
Red-flowered geraniums.
Plants which grow under the olive trees in the Olive Grove
Plants which grow under the olive trees in the Olive Grove.
Pink and violet petunias
Pink and violet petunias.
Olea europaea “Olive” trees
Olea europaea “Olive” trees.
Olea europaea “Olive”, Mediterranean
Olea europaea “Olive”, Mediterranean.
On the pathway to the Flower Field
On the pathway to the Flower Field.
Palm trees of the Mediterranean Garden
Palm trees of the Mediterranean Garden.
Red flower of hibiscus
Red flower of hibiscus.
White flower of hibiscus
White flower of hibiscus.
Hibiscuses with red and yellow flowers
Hibiscuses with red and yellow flowers.
Pale green bush of daisies
Pale green bush of daisies.
White geraniums and daisies
White geraniums and daisies.
Garden flowers
Garden flowers.
Joyful youth in the Flower Field
Joyful youth in the Flower Field.
Tourists are in the middle of the Flower Field
Tourists are in the middle of the Flower Field.
Flower Field decorations, “Work in Progress”
Flower Field decorations, “Work in Progress”.
Employee ties up the flower
Employee ties up the flower.
Blue flower of clematis
Blue flower of clematis.
Bell shaped flowers
Bell shaped flowers.
Flowers beside the wall
Flowers beside the wall.
Tea-rose has very tender pale pink color
Tea-rose has very tender pale pink color.
White orchid flowers, phalaenopsis sp.
White orchid flowers, phalaenopsis sp.
Pink flowers of fuchsia
Pink flowers of fuchsia.
Black flowers of fuchsia
Black flowers of fuchsia.
Fascinating fuchsia flowers
Fascinating fuchsia flowers.
Blue fuchsia flowers
Blue fuchsia flowers.
Wonderful blue-colored clematis flowers
Wonderful blue-colored clematis flowers.
Cyclamen pink flowers
Cyclamen pink flowers.
Dianthus barbatus “Sweet William” flowers
Dianthus barbatus “Sweet William” flowers.
Plant looks like a miniature maple
Plant looks like a miniature maple.
Awesome garden flowers
Awesome garden flowers.
White yellow rose flower in the corner
White yellow rose flower in the corner.
Couple of the clematis flowers
Couple of the clematis flowers.
White flowers with touches of cherry
White flowers with touches of cherry.
Yellow daisies
Yellow daisies.
Smoky white flowers of roses
Smoky white flowers of roses.
Black lily flower with yellow tips
Black lily flower with yellow tips.
In the corner of the garden
In the corner of the garden.
Blue flowers of hyacinth
Blue flowers of hyacinth.
Pink geranium flowers with the white elements
Pink geranium flowers with the white elements.
Flowers of red fuchsia
Flowers of red fuchsia.
Bush has a spiral shape
Bush has a spiral shape.
Geranium with variegated leaves
Geranium with variegated leaves.
Cute little girl looks at me
Cute little girl looks at me.
Cute little girl still looks at me, it is one of my best photograph
Cute little girl still looks at me, it is one of my best photograph.
Special wooden chairs were placed here for the beautiful photographs
Special wooden chairs were placed here for the beautiful photographs.
The Flower Dome is the world's largest column-less greenhouse
The Flower Dome is the world's largest column-less greenhouse.
A fabulous shoes are just a pots for hyacinthus flowers
A fabulous shoes are just a pots for hyacinthus flowers.
Pink hyacinthus flowers
Pink hyacinthus flowers.
Light yellow tulips
Light yellow tulips.
Fabulous city
Fabulous city.
Sea of hyacinths
Sea of hyacinths.
Red hibiscus in the pot
Red hibiscus in the pot.
Tulips and lilies
Tulips and lilies.
Flower Field is the highlight of the Flower Dome
Flower Field is the highlight of the Flower Dome.
Artificial fabulous house in the Flower Field
Artificial fabulous house in the Flower Field.
Tulipa cv. “Purple Prince” and Tulipa cv. “Hemisphere”
Tulipa cv. “Purple Prince” and Tulipa cv. “Hemisphere”.
Metallic gazebo with the flying insect on its top
Metallic gazebo with the flying insect on its top.
Camellia japonica “Japanese camellia”
Camellia japonica “Japanese camellia”.
Camellia japonica and red begonia
Camellia japonica and red begonia.
High tree with the white flowers
High tree with the white flowers.
Red roses
Red roses.
Crimson daisies with yellow center
Crimson daisies with yellow center.
Plants have a shape of a spiral
Plants have a shape of a spiral.
Different species of garden flowers
Different species of garden flowers.
Pink impatiens and Viola tricolor
Pink impatiens and Viola tricolor.
Little girls and the harvest
Little girls and the harvest.
Wheat harvest on the table
Wheat harvest on the table.
Toilets beside the exit
Toilets beside the exit.
Small area before the exit
Small area before the exit.
Laughing buddhists and lion statues
Laughing buddhists and lion statues.