The Larabanga Mosque in Ghana

The Larabanga Mosque is located in the village of Larabanga
The Larabanga Mosque is located in the village of Larabanga.
The Larabanga Mosque was built in the Sudanese architectural style
The Larabanga Mosque was built in the Sudanese architectural style.
The Larabanga Mosque is the oldest mosque in the country and one of the oldest in West Africa
The Larabanga Mosque is the oldest mosque in the country and one of the oldest in West Africa.
A huge baobab tree grows beside the Larabanga Mosque
A huge baobab tree grows beside the Larabanga Mosque.
A little girl walks through the village of Larabanga
A little girl walks through the village of Larabanga.
A little girl walks with a bowl on the head
A little girl walks with a bowl on the head.
People are in the village of Larabanga
People are in the village of Larabanga.
Somewhat surprisingly, the little children of the village have big round bellies
Somewhat surprisingly, the little children of the village have big round bellies.
Cheerful people live in the village of Larabanga
Cheerful people live in the village of Larabanga.
Little girls and a grandmother are in the village of Larabanga
Little girls and a grandmother are in the village of Larabanga.
Little girls are in the village of Larabanga
Little girls are in the village of Larabanga.
Little girls are beside the Larabanga Mosque
Little girls are beside the Larabanga Mosque.
The children of the village
The children of the village.
A child is from the village
A child is from the village.
One of the ordinary houses is in the village of Larabanga
One of the ordinary houses is in the village of Larabanga.
Adorable little Ghanaian girl wearing a necklace around her waist
Adorable little Ghanaian girl wearing a necklace around her waist.
A necklace around the waist of little girl is the only piece of her clothing
A necklace around the waist of little girl is the only piece of her clothing.
Two cute little African girls, one of them wears the belly beads without panties
Two cute little African girls, one of them wears the belly beads without panties.
The Larabanga Mosque was founded in 1421
The Larabanga Mosque was founded in 1421.
The Larabanga Mosque is built with mud and reeds
The Larabanga Mosque is built with mud and reeds.
Hard grains can be pounded in this wooden pot
Hard grains can be pounded in this wooden pot.
A lovely mother and her daughter are at the entrance to their hut
A lovely mother and her daughter are at the entrance to their hut.
A wide shining African smile
A wide shining African smile.
A charming mother and her daughter are in the festive clothing
A charming mother and her daughter are in the festive clothing.
The child tries to taste the sweets right in the wrapper
The child tries to taste the sweets right in the wrapper.
Goil petrol station in Damongo
Goil petrol station in Damongo.
Damongo is a small town and is the capital of West Gonja district
Damongo is a small town and is the capital of West Gonja district.
This shop is located on the Goil petrol station in Damongo
This shop is located on the Goil petrol station in Damongo.