Citroën Lictoria C6 was made by the Italian Cars Company Citroën in Milan in 1930

Citroën Lictoria C6 was made by the Italian Cars Company Citroën in Milan in 1930 Travel photography Family-friendly: true
It was donated to Pope Pius XI (1922-39) from the Italian Citroën in 1930 to celebrate the Reconciliation of the Italian State and the Catholic Church and the pope's fifty years of priestly ordination. It's definitely the most refined of all popes' cars. It does not differ much from the regular series but the color and the finish distinguish it beautifully. The rear cockpit is equipped as a throne room, as a Venetian sitting room of the eighteenth century. Pius XII (1939-58) avoided using it during the tragic World War II and preferred the more austere Graham Paige 837.