The beginning of the road from Kollam to Madurai

In the evening, we drove by bus from Kollam to Madurai. These photographs were made in the beginning of our trip.

There are many people living in India, therefore the road was overcrowded all the way from Kollam to Madurai.
There are many people living in India, therefore the road was overcrowded all the way to Madurai.
Kairali Ford
Kairali Ford.
luxurious house
Luxurious house.
fruit vendors
Fruit vendors.
indian beauty
Indian beauty.
red, yellow & green bananas
Red, yellow & green bananas.
catholic church
Catholic church.
the shops along the road will never end
The shops along the road will never end.
jewellery advertisement - BIS 916 Hallmark Jewellery
Jewellery advertisement. BIS 916 Hallmark Jewellery.
small market place
Small market place.
fish vendors
Fish vendors.
snake mackerel is at the sale
Snake mackerel is available at the sale. Many people want to buy the fish.
luxury hotel nila palace
Luxury hotel Nila Palace.
coffee shop inside the hotel nila palace
Coffee shop inside the hotel Nila Palace.