Security check at the entrance. |
Statue consists from the artificial sinks and crocodiles. |
People go out from the garden. |
Cloak room. |
Ticket counter. |
Ticket counter number 5. |
Brown color sculpture of the cow. |
Landscape design over the train station. |
Flower beds with a small fences. |
A small railway station. |
This railroad has only one stop. |
Wide stairway over the railway station. |
Hyderabad Urban Development Authority. |
The water fountain is not working yet. |
The main alley of the garden. |
Tiny shrubs as an element of the landscape design. |
Water ride. |
Decorative shrubs. |
Water ride is decorated with huge fruits. |
Ancient castle over the road. |
Bismarck palms. |
Bismarckia and me. |
Bismarckia nobilis. |
Railway of the toy train. |
Adenium with a red flowers. |
Wide flower bed with the adeniums. |
Flower bed with the echinopsis grusonii. |
Each adenium is surrounded by the ring of stones. |
White adenium. |
Red adenium. |
Bismarck palms have been planted along the railway. |
The center of the flowerbed is decorated by pachypodiums. |
Green Bismarckia. |
Desert Garden: visiting hours 5pm to 9pm. |
Inside the Desert Garden. |
The pathway inside the Desert Garden. |
Pink adeniums. |
The great quantity of adeniums grow here. |
Adenium flowers with wide pink edge. |
Mature adeniums in blossom. |
Huge red flower adeniums. |
Huge adeniums with white flowers with pink edge. |
Huge adeniums with magenta flowers. |
Miniature pink adeniums. |
Blue agave. |
Bonsai Wonder. |
Agaves of different sizes and types. |
Beaucarnea recurvata (elephant's foot, ponytail palm). |
Art garden lights. |
Mist fountain. |
Beautiful water mist fountain. |
Magic fog fountain. |
The tree with golden leaves inside the water fog fountain. |
Landscape shrubs and garden bridge. |
Bonsai Wonder: "Don't Touch". |
Bonsai Wonder: the bonsai collection. |
Landscape design with the use of the small round stones. |
Ficus long island. |
Adansonia digitata. |
Portulacaria afra. |
Supported by Friends Bonsai Society, Secunderabad. |
Pachypodium lamerei, 11 years. |
Bougainvillea species. |
Small train. |
This five tall and unique buildings function as a ticket counters. |
Mantis statue. |
Grasshopper statue. |
Beetle statue. |
Huge artificial white-green grasshopper. |
Building with the shape of pineapple and other fruits. |
Building with the shape of banana and watermelon. |
Small automobile statue. |
Trees with roots on the surface. |
The building in the middle of the lake. |
The sculpture of two fishermen and their dog. |
The sculpture of the moon and the child. |
Small bridge. |
Garden bridge. |
This pathway lays over the lake. |
Railroad of the gardens. |
Huge adenium flower. |
Succulent grass. |
Euphorbia with the thick stems in blossom. |
Huge red adeniums. |
The bamboo fence of the Bonsai Wonder. |
Euphorbia with the long stems. |
Huge euphorbia plant. |
Giant leafless pachypodiums. |
Red flowers with wide white stripes. |
Dark blue flowers with wide white stripes. |
Ficuses. |
Small succulent shrub in the pot. |
Schefflera. |
Ficus nitida. |
Schefflera species. |
Plumeria obtusa. |
Ficus jacquinifolia. |
Malpighia glabra (Barbados cherry). |
Malvaviscus arboreus. |
Bougainvillea sp, 18 years. |
Ficus benjamina compacta. |
Bonsai tree is without the label tag. |
Citrus x paradisi (Pomelo). |
Euphorbia, 11 years. |
Bougainvillea in bloom. |
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (China rose), 15 years. |
Adansonia digitata (Baobab tree), 17 years. |
Delonix regia (Gulmohar), 11 years. |
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, 14 years. |
Punica granatum (Pomegranate), 13 years. |
Ficus benjamina nuda, 11 years. |
Ficus pickhan, 6 years. |
Two bougainvillea sp.. |
Bougainvillea sp, 5 years. |
Citrus reticulata (Mandarin orange), 9 years. |
Schefflera arboricola, 14 years. |
Schefflera arboricola, family Araliaceae, 14 years. |
Schefflera species, 9 years. |
Yucca species, 7 years. |
Portulacaria afra (Elephant tree), age - 9 years. |
Bougainvillea sp, family Nyctaginaceae, 9 years. |
Ficus pickhan, family Moraceae, 5 years. |
Plumeria obtusa, 11 years. |
Portulacaria afra, 22 years. |
Manilkara zapota (Sapodilla), 14 years. |
Ficus religiosa, 14 years. |
Ficus benghalensis, 9 years. |
Ficus with bare roots. |
Ficus microcarpa, 13 years. |
Blooming bougainvillea, age - 7 years. |
Ficus benjamina 'variegata', 21 years. |
Leafless adenium. |
Bursera species. |
Euphorbia species. |
Ant Hill. |
Artificial grasshopper. |
NTR Memorial. |
Buddha statue view from the NTR Memorial. |
N.T.Rama Rao's Memorial. |
Inside the NTR Memorial. |