Hyderabad - NTR Gardens

Security check at the entrance
Security check at the entrance.
Statue consists from the artificial sinks and crocodiles
Statue consists from the artificial sinks and crocodiles.
People go out from the garden
People go out from the garden.
Cloak room
Cloak room.
Ticket counter
Ticket counter.
Ticket counter number 5
Ticket counter number 5.
Brown color sculpture of the cow
Brown color sculpture of the cow.
Landscape design over the train station
Landscape design over the train station.
Flower beds with a small fences
Flower beds with a small fences.
A small railway station
A small railway station.
This railroad has only one stop
This railroad has only one stop.
Wide stairway over the railway station
Wide stairway over the railway station.
Hyderabad Urban Development Authority
Hyderabad Urban Development Authority.
The water fountain is not working yet
The water fountain is not working yet.
The main alley of the garden
The main alley of the garden.
Tiny shrubs as an element of the landscape design
Tiny shrubs as an element of the landscape design.
Water ride
Water ride.
Decorative shrubs
Decorative shrubs.
Water ride is decorated with huge fruits
Water ride is decorated with huge fruits.
Ancient castle over the road
Ancient castle over the road.
Bismarck palms
Bismarck palms.
Bismarckia and me
Bismarckia and me.
Bismarckia nobilis
Bismarckia nobilis.
Railway of the toy train
Railway of the toy train.
Adenium with a red flowers
Adenium with a red flowers.
Wide flower bed with the adeniums
Wide flower bed with the adeniums.
Flower bed with the echinopsis grusonii
Flower bed with the echinopsis grusonii.
Each adenium is surrounded by the ring of stones
Each adenium is surrounded by the ring of stones.
White adenium
White adenium.
Red adenium
Red adenium.
Bismarck palms have been planted along the railway
Bismarck palms have been planted along the railway.
The center of the flowerbed is decorated by pachypodiums
The center of the flowerbed is decorated by pachypodiums.
Green Bismarckia
Green Bismarckia.
Desert Garden: visiting hours 5pm to 9pm
Desert Garden: visiting hours 5pm to 9pm.
Inside the Desert Garden
Inside the Desert Garden.
The pathway inside the Desert Garden
The pathway inside the Desert Garden.
Pink adeniums
Pink adeniums.
The great quantity of adeniums grow here
The great quantity of adeniums grow here.
Adenium flowers with wide pink edge
Adenium flowers with wide pink edge.
Mature adeniums in blossom
Mature adeniums in blossom.
Huge red flower adeniums
Huge red flower adeniums.
Huge adeniums with white flowers with pink edge
Huge adeniums with white flowers with pink edge.
Huge adeniums with magenta flowers
Huge adeniums with magenta flowers.
Miniature pink adeniums
Miniature pink adeniums.
Blue agave
Blue agave.
Bonsai Wonder
Bonsai Wonder.
Agaves of different sizes and types
Agaves of different sizes and types.
Beaucarnea recurvata (elephant's foot, ponytail palm)
Beaucarnea recurvata (elephant's foot, ponytail palm).
Art garden lights
Art garden lights.
Mist fountain
Mist fountain.
Beautiful water mist fountain
Beautiful water mist fountain.
Magic fog fountain
Magic fog fountain.
The tree with golden leaves inside the water fog fountain
The tree with golden leaves inside the water fog fountain.
Landscape shrubs and garden bridge
Landscape shrubs and garden bridge.
Bonsai Wonder:
Bonsai Wonder: "Don't Touch".
Bonsai Wonder: the bonsai collection
Bonsai Wonder: the bonsai collection.
Landscape design with the use of the small round stones
Landscape design with the use of the small round stones.
Ficus long island
Ficus long island.
Adansonia digitata
Adansonia digitata.
Portulacaria afra
Portulacaria afra.
Supported by Friends Bonsai Society, Secunderabad
Supported by Friends Bonsai Society, Secunderabad.
Pachypodium lamerei, 11 years
Pachypodium lamerei, 11 years.
Bougainvillea species
Bougainvillea species.
Small train
Small train.
This five tall and unique buildings function as a ticket counters
This five tall and unique buildings function as a ticket counters.
Mantis statue
Mantis statue.
Grasshopper statue
Grasshopper statue.
Beetle statue
Beetle statue.
Huge artificial white-green grasshopper
Huge artificial white-green grasshopper.
Building with the shape of pineapple and other fruits
Building with the shape of pineapple and other fruits.
Building with the shape of banana and watermelon
Building with the shape of banana and watermelon.
Small automobile statue
Small automobile statue.
Trees with roots on the surface
Trees with roots on the surface.
The building in the middle of the lake
The building in the middle of the lake.
The sculpture of two fishermen and their dog
The sculpture of two fishermen and their dog.
The sculpture of the moon and the child
The sculpture of the moon and the child.
Small bridge
Small bridge.
Garden bridge
Garden bridge.
This pathway lays over the lake
This pathway lays over the lake.
Railroad of the gardens
Railroad of the gardens.
Huge adenium flower
Huge adenium flower.
Succulent grass
Succulent grass.
Euphorbia with the thick stems in blossom
Euphorbia with the thick stems in blossom.
Huge red adeniums
Huge red adeniums.
The bamboo fence of the Bonsai Wonder
The bamboo fence of the Bonsai Wonder.
Euphorbia with the long stems
Euphorbia with the long stems.
Huge euphorbia plant
Huge euphorbia plant.
Giant leafless pachypodiums
Giant leafless pachypodiums.
Red flowers with wide white stripes
Red flowers with wide white stripes.
Dark blue flowers with wide white stripes
Dark blue flowers with wide white stripes.
Small succulent shrub in the pot
Small succulent shrub in the pot.
Ficus nitida
Ficus nitida.
Schefflera species
Schefflera species.
Plumeria obtusa
Plumeria obtusa.
Ficus jacquinifolia
Ficus jacquinifolia.
Malpighia glabra (Barbados cherry)
Malpighia glabra (Barbados cherry).
Malvaviscus arboreus
Malvaviscus arboreus.
Bougainvillea sp, 18 years
Bougainvillea sp, 18 years.
Ficus benjamina compacta
Ficus benjamina compacta.
Bonsai tree is without the label tag
Bonsai tree is without the label tag.
Citrus x paradisi (Pomelo)
Citrus x paradisi (Pomelo).
Euphorbia, 11 years
Euphorbia, 11 years.
Bougainvillea in bloom
Bougainvillea in bloom.
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (China rose), 15 years
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (China rose), 15 years.
Adansonia digitata (Baobab tree), 17 years
Adansonia digitata (Baobab tree), 17 years.
Delonix regia (Gulmohar), 11 years
Delonix regia (Gulmohar), 11 years.
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, 14 years
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, 14 years.
Punica granatum (Pomegranate), 13 years
Punica granatum (Pomegranate), 13 years.
Ficus benjamina nuda, 11 years
Ficus benjamina nuda, 11 years.
Ficus pickhan, 6 years
Ficus pickhan, 6 years.
Two bougainvillea sp.
Two bougainvillea sp..
Bougainvillea sp, 5 years
Bougainvillea sp, 5 years.
Citrus reticulata (Mandarin orange), 9 years
Citrus reticulata (Mandarin orange), 9 years.
Schefflera arboricola, 14 years
Schefflera arboricola, 14 years.
Schefflera arboricola, family Araliaceae, 14 years
Schefflera arboricola, family Araliaceae, 14 years.
Schefflera species, 9 years
Schefflera species, 9 years.
Yucca species, 7 years
Yucca species, 7 years.
Portulacaria afra (Elephant tree), age - 9 years
Portulacaria afra (Elephant tree), age - 9 years.
Bougainvillea sp, family Nyctaginaceae, 9 years
Bougainvillea sp, family Nyctaginaceae, 9 years.
Ficus pickhan, family Moraceae, 5 years
Ficus pickhan, family Moraceae, 5 years.
Plumeria obtusa, 11 years
Plumeria obtusa, 11 years.
Portulacaria afra, 22 years
Portulacaria afra, 22 years.
Manilkara zapota (Sapodilla), 14 years
Manilkara zapota (Sapodilla), 14 years.
Ficus religiosa, 14 years
Ficus religiosa, 14 years.
Ficus benghalensis, 9 years
Ficus benghalensis, 9 years.
Ficus with bare roots
Ficus with bare roots.
Ficus microcarpa, 13 years
Ficus microcarpa, 13 years.
Blooming bougainvillea, age - 7 years
Blooming bougainvillea, age - 7 years.
Ficus benjamina 'variegata', 21 years
Ficus benjamina 'variegata', 21 years.
Leafless adenium
Leafless adenium.
Bursera species
Bursera species.
Euphorbia species
Euphorbia species.
Ant Hill
Ant Hill.
Artificial grasshopper
Artificial grasshopper.
NTR Memorial
NTR Memorial.
Buddha statue view from the NTR Memorial
Buddha statue view from the NTR Memorial.
N.T.Rama Rao's Memorial
N.T.Rama Rao's Memorial.
Inside the NTR Memorial
Inside the NTR Memorial.