Hampi - Krishna Temple complex

Hospet-Hampi road near the temple
Hospet-Hampi road near the temple.
Krishna temple front view
Krishna temple front view.
impressive carvings
Impressive carvings.
epic stories carved on the walls
Epic stories carved on the walls.
this complex was built to celebrate the conquest of the eastern kingdom of Udayagiri
This complex was built to celebrate the conquest of the eastern kingdom of Udayagiri.
southern side
Southern side.
yalis and elephants
Yalis and elephants.
one of the western temples
One of the western temples.
western side
Western side.
eastern arch has brick colour
Eastern arch has brick colour.
the chariot street
The Chariot street.
entrance (eastern arch) to the complex
Entrance (eastern arch) to the complex.
temple tank
Temple tank.
Vishnupada temple
Vishnupada temple.
Sasivekalu Ganesh and Kadalekalu Ganesh, information board
Sasivekalu Ganesh and Kadalekalu Ganesh, information board.
Sasivekalu Ganesh, information board
Sasivekalu Ganesh, information board.
Hampi information board
Hampi information board.
Sasivekalu Ganesh, northern side
Sasivekalu Ganesh, northern side.
Sasivekalu Ganesh
Sasivekalu Ganesh.
Sasivekalu Ganesh, opuntia plants
Sasivekalu Ganesh, opuntia plants.
Sasivekalu Ganesh, opuntias with buds
Sasivekalu Ganesh, opuntias with buds.
Sasivekalu Ganesh, landscape design
Sasivekalu Ganesh, landscape design.
Sasivekalu Ganesh, stairs at the northern side
Sasivekalu Ganesh, stairs at the northern side.
small temple
Small temple.
huge stones
Huge stones.
Sasivekalu Ganesh, big palm tree
Sasivekalu Ganesh, big palm tree.
Sasivekalu Ganesh, langurs
Sasivekalu Ganesh, langurs
langur monkeys
Langur monkeys are not far from the Krishna Temple complex.