Fort Tiracol

The bridge from the Arambol beach to the fort
The bridge from the Arambol beach to the fort.
Terekhol River
Terekhol River.
Terekhol river meets the sea here
Terekhol river meets the sea here.
Terekhol River crossing ferry
Terekhol River crossing ferry.
this bridge leads to the Tiracol Fort
This bridge leads to the Tiracol Fort.
marine cranes for the bridge construction
Marine cranes for the bridge construction.
artificial hills
Artificial hills.
Artificial hills of blue colour
Artificial hills of blue colour.
Banyan tree at the fort entrance
Banyan tree at the fort entrance.
metal sculpture at the fort entrance
Metal sculpture at the fort entrance.
memorial plate
Memorial plate.
trespassers shall be prosecuted
Trespassers shall be prosecuted.
Fort Tiracol Heritage Hotel
Fort Tiracol Heritage Hotel.
Fort Tiracol entrance gate
Fort Tiracol entrance gate.
Fort Tiracol reg. office
Fort Tiracol reg. office.
Fort Tiracol inside, right after the gate
Fort Tiracol inside, right after the gate.
white observation post
White observation post.
yard is decorated by different palms
Yard is decorated by different palms.
entrance to the fort
Entrance to the fort.
ravenala madagascariensis
Ravenala madagascariensis.
Fort Tiracol catholic church
Fort Tiracol catholic church.
magenta bush
Magenta bush.
open air restaurant
Open air restaurant.
sea view
Sea view.
querim beach
Querim beach.
restaurant table
Restaurant table.
the royal palm and the church bell
The royal palm and the church bell.
Jesus Christ statue
Jesus Christ statue.